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不过你基本得定时过来看看,昨天我等到20 然后去开会了。结果回来说我已经过期了。就是过号了。



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Chat InformationThank you for contacting us via our chat line. Currently there are 4 visitors waiting, your position is 1. We are receiving higher traffic than usual due to an an issue affecting multiple servers. If your website or webmaill are not loading, please check our status blogs for the most recent update.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Sergey Hetman'

Sergey Hetman: Thank you for coming, my name is Sergey. How may I help you?
you: mysql can not connect
Sergey Hetman: Please hold on, let me check
you: Error:MySQL,reading initial communication packet
Sergey Hetman: As I have checked you are using mysql1116 server. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing now. Our tech team is informed about the problem and is currently working to fix it. Our engineers are working to fix the problem with storage with zero data loss, that's why it takes us prolonged time to resolve the problem. Now all the efforts of our administrators are focused on fixing the problem. Sorry again and thank you for understanding.
Sergey Hetman: Please check the following link for detailed information:
Sergey Hetman:
Sergey Hetman: It should be Online at approximately Mar-06-2014 3:42:00PM(GTM -0500).
you: Thanks
you: I will wait
you: bye
Sergey Hetman: You are welcome
Sergey Hetman: Please feel free to contact us if you need further assistance. We are available 24/7.
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated.

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